So i have planned to create a post which will guide you how to fully search engine optimize your blogger blog with a step by step guide which will cover all the topics what you need to do to improve your Blog SEO even if you are a beginner.
As we all know that Blogger do not have so many features like Wordpress Plugins and there had been competitions between Blogspot and Wordpress but i think both of them are top blogging platforms as Blogger is best for creating a free blog while Wordpress is self hosted and you need a Web Hosting for using or installing Wordpress.
Optimize Blogger Template
In default blogger templates or in third party templates you have to add a code known as All in one SEO plugin for blogger/blogspot which will provide your blog a good title, description, keywords, Google, Bing and Yandex verification code, Facebook, Twitter and Google plus pages to search engines and it will automatically improve your site ranking.
I will show you how to set it up just follow the steps below.
- Go to your Blogger dashboard.
- In the left sidebar click on Theme.
- Now click on Edit HTML to open your template editor.
- Now Press Ctrl + F and search for <head>
- Now paste the below mention code below <head> in your template editor.
- Click Save to apply changes.
Copy The Following Code:
<!-- All In One SEO Pack 2018 for Blogspot By: PROTECHBLOGGER.COM Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
<meta content='noindex, nofollow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageTitle != data:blog.title'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='GOOGLE VERIFICATION CODE' name='google-site-verification'/>
<meta content='BING VERIFICATION CODE' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='ALEXA VERIFICATION CODE' name='alexaVerifyID'/>
<meta content='YANDEX VERIFICATION CODE' name='yandex-verification'/>
<meta content='global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='en-us' name='language'/>
<meta content='USA' name='country'/>
<meta content='Facebook Insight ID here' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='@AfrasiabAliKhan' name='twitter:creator'/>
<meta content='Afra Siab' name='author'/>
<meta content='' name='email'/>
<link href='' rel='author'/>
<link href='' rel='publisher'/>
<!-- All In One SEO Pack 2018 for Blogspot By: ProTechBlogger.Com End -->
How To Customize This Code
- The text colored Orange should be changed by you with your own usernames, pages and verification codes.
- The Verification codes of Google, Bing, Alexa and Yandex should be changed by you with your own verification codes provided by them.
- Change USA with your Country for example PK, CA, UK etc.
- Replace Facebook Insights with your Facebook admin ID.
- Replace @AfrasiabAliKhan with your Twitter username.
- Replace Afra Siab and Email with your name and email.
- Replace +Afrasiab Ali Khan with your Google Plus account.
Format Post URLs
The URL of a blog post also known as permalink is also very important for your blog SEO. It can play a vital role in ranking your post in search results as it is also crucial with every part of search engine optimization for blogspot.There are a couple of points that you need to remember while creating or editing your permalink.
- Do not exceed your post title from 50 characters.
- Remember not to use these kind of short words in your permalink (The, A, Is, An etc)
The permalink of your blogger post is created automatically same as your post title when you publish your post but if you want to change or edit your permalink then you can do it while writing your blog post from the right side of the screen as shown in the image below.
Meta Tags
Meta Tags are the HTML tags which are provided to search engines for helping them to know the title, description, keywords etc of a URL. These HTML tags will help you in your website ranking on Google. If you have already added All in one SEO plugin for blogspot mentioned above then no need to add these because it will make multiple meta tags.
You should also be careful with these tags and must include the main keywords in it as these are very important for search bots to read and understand.
Proper Post Titles for Blogger
The title of your post is also crucial if you are doing SEO for Blogger because it plays a major role in search engine optimization.
An example of proper post titles are shown in the image below.
Well let me show you how to remove Blogger homepage title from post title. It is simple just do the following steps and you are all clear.
Well let me show you how to remove Blogger homepage title from post title. It is simple just do the following steps and you are all clear.
- Go to Blogger dashboard > Theme > Edit HTML.
- Press Ctrl + F and search for the below code.
- Replace the above code with the code given below.
<b:if cond= ‘data:blog.pageType == "index"’>
You are done! Now you will see only your post title.
Proper Headings
Headings tags are very valuable to be used in your text paragraphs because these headings like H1, H2 and H3 organize your blog content in a proper way so that it is very simple to understand by your website visitors and search engines.
We use H1 tag for our Blog post title and H2 tag for post titles but In some blogger templates you have to customize these settings because they are not done by default. So to make it right follow my steps below.
- Go to your Blogger Template Editor.
- Search for H3 and change it from CSS to HTML all the H3 heading tags to H2. There might be 8 or 9 so change it all.
Control Keyword Density
You need to be careful about putting keywords in your posts. You should place keywords where they are needed and which should not disturb your readers as well as search engines.
Try to focus on 1 or 2 keywords per posts which will help you focus on achieving your goal.
Using of long tail keywords in your posts will be much more grateful as there are users trying and searching for long keyword terms and this way you can build up the right type of website traffic you want.
There are some specific parts where you should include your main keywords and those are Title, Headers, Body and meta description and the URL of your post.
Importance of Labels and Related Posts
In blogger categories are known as labels. Basically these are used for organizing your blog content which help the users to read and find a specific post with the help of labels.
Remember while adding labels to your post make sure do not mess up your post with a lot of labels as i have seen in many other blogspot blogs using tons of labels thinking these are tags which may affect and damage your blog ranking.
Try to keep it simple and easy i will show you with a short example. Suppose you are posting about Firefox then you should create labels for it like Browser and Software's. Don't try to use Firefox browser, Firefox etc.
Using proper labels in your posts will properly organize the related post widget at the bottom of your every blog post so it will help you generate more page views for your blog.
Using proper labels in your posts will properly organize the related post widget at the bottom of your every blog post so it will help you generate more page views for your blog.
Optimize Images for Blogspot SEO
A blog post should not only contain text but we should add related images which can easily explain our posts. Images are not only added to beautify a post but it also plays an important role in search engines if we optimize images properly for image SEO.
To easily optimize blogger images you should use Alt text and Title in every image you upload to your blog post. This will help you drive some extra traffic from image search engines like Google image search.
Below is an example of image properties when you add title and alt text to optimize images in Blogspot.
If you want to fully optimize your blog images then you have to care about every thing like image title, alt text, image name, image size and the link to the image. All these things can matter and can make a lot of difference to your traffic and SEO.
Below is an example of image properties when you add title and alt text to optimize images in Blogspot.
If you want to fully optimize your blog images then you have to care about every thing like image title, alt text, image name, image size and the link to the image. All these things can matter and can make a lot of difference to your traffic and SEO.
External Nofollow Links
External links are the links present in your blog which are pointing to other domains and when you add a HTML attribute of Nofollow to an external link then it indicates the search engines that not to crawl a specified URL.
Mainly we use the No-follow tag if the website we are pointing to is low quality website or the website is not trusted. So adding Nofollow attribute to low quality website, affiliate links and advertising banners is much important if you want to improve your website ranking in search engines.
Adding a Nofollow tag is very simple you just need to add rel="nofollow" in the anchor element. You can see the example in the image below.
Setup Comment Section
The comment section for blogger blog should be no-followed and try to moderate comments so you should allow comments yourself to show up on your posts. This is how you can easily protect your blog comments from auto comment robots and other spam.
Try to make it very easy for your visitors to leave comments on your blog posts because people do not want to waste a lot of time by logging in or registering and then leaving a comment.
You should also add your focused keywords in the comment replies which will also help you rank in search engines and make your blog more visible to receive organic traffic.
Page Speed Optimization for Blogger
Page speed is one of the most important factor of On page SEO for blogspot. The faster your blog loads the more chances are to rank higher in popular search engines. If your blog takes more time to load then your visitors will bounce and the bounce rate will increase which will damage your website ranking in search results. You may check out our post given below to improve blog speed.
There are several tools which you can use to check your blog speed. I will recommend you to use Google Page Speed Insights which can show you the current page load time in mobile and desktop and this will also recommend you what changes you can do to make your blog load more faster.
Internal Linking for Better SEO
Internal links are most important part of On page SEO because it plays a vital role in ranking your posts for your targeted keywords and there are many more benefits of internal links if you do it correctly.
The first benefit is that visitors stay on your blog for longer time if you have useful content inside your posts so as long as visitors are viewing your website your bounce rate will become much more better than before.
The second benefit from internal links is that you will get higher ranking in search results for your posts that you link inside your content because it will tell search engines how important and useful is the content of your blog.
Breadcrums (Navigation)
Breadcrums makes your blog navigation more easy and simple and are also important for every perfect blog because it makes your website in a structured form which helps users to navigate your blog easily and it is properly visible where exactly a user have landed on a website.
It also helps search engines like Google and its very beneficial for your Blogger SEO to have Breadcrums in your blog because it shows Google how your blog is structured.
Submit Blogger Sitemap
A sitemap is a kind of guide for search engines to get all the information present and located in a website. If you are doing SEO for Blogger then it is very important for you to create and submit a sitemap for blogger.
While creating a sitemap for blogspot you have to insert a simple code in your Robots.txt file.
What is Robots.txt?
Robots.txt is file with a simple code which tells the search engines about how to index and crawl a website to show up in search results. So in this way you get organic traffic from search.
And with the help of this you can also restrict the search engine bots not to crawl some URLs like your labels and other pages which are not so important.
Custom Robot Header Tags
You have to enable the custom robot header tags in blogger because it maximizes the visibility of your blogspot blog in search results.
It is very simple to enable your custom robot header tags in blogspot just follow the steps given below and you are all good.
How to Enable Custom Robot Header Tags?
First of all go to your Blogger Blog Dashboard >> Setting >> Search Preference. There you can see Custom Robot Header Tags under Crawlers and Indexing.
Create Custom 404 Page
You should have a custom 404 page in your blogger blog as it is important because if a user visits a link which have been changed or removed from your blog then they are redirected to your custom 404 page.
A custom 404 page in blogspot makes your page more user friendly and provides confidence to users in your blog if they find any broken link in your blog. So it is also important to add a custom 404 page to your blogger blog as it will also help your blog in search engine optimization.
Create Unique Content
Creating unique content for your blog will be more efficient which will rank your blog faster in search results and you will receive more organic traffic. You may have heard Content is King and if your blog have quality content for your targeted keywords then Google will love to show up your blog for your targeted keywords in their search results.
Suppose your blog have more content and quality then your competitors for some keywords then what do you think who will rank higher in search results? Of course you!
So mainly focus on creating quality content and to make it more unique research for it first because Google is looking for content having Quality, Uniqueness and Relevance.
Suppose your blog have more content and quality then your competitors for some keywords then what do you think who will rank higher in search results? Of course you!
So mainly focus on creating quality content and to make it more unique research for it first because Google is looking for content having Quality, Uniqueness and Relevance.
Avoid Spelling, Grammar and Sentence Mistakes
You should also avoid such mistakes in spelling, grammar and sentences because having mistakes like this can also damage your SEO if you miss spell some words or create wrong sentences so try to create good English content which will be much more better.
Use Google Search Console
The most powerful tool for blog SEO is Google Search console previously known as Google Webmaster Tools. This tool can manage your blog search functionality and you can improve the appearance of your blog in search engines.
Google Search Console have the following functions to improve your Blog:
Search Appearance: To improve your appearance in search
Search Traffic: To check your blog traffic statics
Google Index: To index or remove URLs
Crawl: To check errors, submit sitemap and test Robots.txt .
Make your Blog Mobile Friendly
Mobile friendliness is very valuable to Google as they have updated their algorithms in the past and it is a ranking factor for search engine optimization to make your blogger blog mobile friendly.
If your blog is mobile friendly it will also reduce your bounce rate because non mobile friendly blogs will not look the same as they look in your desktop.
So you should choose a mobile responsive template for your blog because more than a billion users worldwide use Google in their phones for searching and if your site is mobile friendly then you will have the advantage to receive traffic from mobile devices.
If your blog is mobile friendly it will also reduce your bounce rate because non mobile friendly blogs will not look the same as they look in your desktop.
So you should choose a mobile responsive template for your blog because more than a billion users worldwide use Google in their phones for searching and if your site is mobile friendly then you will have the advantage to receive traffic from mobile devices.
As i have mentioned all the tips of On page SEO for Blogspot now you can fully optimize your blog to generate organic traffic and if you want to increase more website traffic keep on looking other posts of this blog. If this Blogger tutorial helped you then must share it in a way to say thanks. Happy Blogging.